Pharmacie de la Halle Aux Grains

" Your health is our priority "

Always there for you
Always there for you

News from Parapharmanet

Who are we ?

Since 1963, the Pharmacy of Halle Aux Grains strives to satisfy all your needs ...

Your health ? Our priority !

Because time is not only money...
We are pleased to take some time to treat you in order to offer you the most suitable treatment to cure you as soon as possible!

Low prices, we know !

Historically, we fight to bring down prices.
Each month we highlight of promotional products to meet all your needs and offer you mini price because your health has no price.


Your pharmacy follows you everywhere ...
Established in 2001, Parapharmanet, our cosmetics website offers pharmaceutical products quality at reduced price to you as your drugstore stay with you!

Latest Articles

Antigen tests available

Antigen tests available

COVID 05/07/2021
We carry out antigenic tests every working day without an appointment (9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday). We advise you to bring your vital card. The result is sent to you within an hour by SMS and you don't have t Read more ...

Website back online !

Event 16/01/2020
Here we go ! We are back and online ! After a few months, the website is now available for all. With a more powerful expericence you can still book products and find ways to contact us, leave comments that we will, of course, take into account. Don't Read more ...
It is the end...

It is the end...

Event 13/08/2016
Ca y est, la rentrée est arrivée... Nous espérons que vous avez passez d'excellentes vacances et surtout que vous vous êtes bien reposés !! La Pharmacie de la Halle Aux Grains est restée ouverte pendant toute les vacances afin de continuer à être à v Read more ...